Form Tutors - Mr Joe Garrett and Mrs Thokozani Katimba

Year 7 Curriculum Newsletter and Timetables Term 3
Year 7 curriculum Newsletter term 3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 83.9 KB


In Term 2, reading widely is our manner of life. After learning how to properly punctuate our work and write commendable formal letters, we are then attempting to form distinctions between facts and opinions. We hope to be able to identify topic sentences, as well as grow our vocabulary vastly by understanding the role of synonyms and antonyms.  We are reading our way through Ballads, Poems and many  other Folktales. From there, we hope to be competent writers, able to write short stories that evoke curiosity and leave great impact on the reader. 


In term 3, we are learning sequences, coordinates. We will also learn about construction and later look at shapes and geometric reasoning. Below are some pictures of students during a lesson on sequences.


This term we were learning the physics part of the syllabus; measurement, forces and energy. The pictures below show students measuring mass using a mass balance and forces using spring balance

The pictures below show students' use concepts of elastic potential energy to make a propeller for a bottle boat. The Materials were rubber bands, bottle and pieces of trees.


This term we are learning about different types of communications and how to communicate effectively using modern Technology.  


When we are able to have practical sessions, students are working on graphic manipulation and document creation basics. 


This term in year 7 History we are going to be looking at the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. We are going to investigate what factors helped the Roman Empire become so powerful and investigate what life was like for people living in the Roman Empire.

Year 7 - History - Scheme of Work.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 44.9 KB


This term in Geography year 7 will be practising their map skills. We want to practise the essential skills of any Geographer which include being able to understand and read maps along with being able to create our own with information about the height of the land and the types of land use.

Year 7 - Geography - Scheme of Work.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 45.2 KB


Year 7 - RE - Scheme of Work.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 47.1 KB


This term in French we are looking at  the description of sporting activities using verbs faire and jouer, describing your house and where you live (village, town, city, mountain side, lakeside, suburb etc.), and finally discussing the immediate future tense.


This term we are exploring the power of the human voice. We are learning how to mimic sounds through beat boxing, creating rhythmic music without any instruments and composing songs that communicate various messages.   

Life Skills

During term 3, year 8 have been learning about marriage, family life, how can a person contribute to family life, friendship. how to deal with gambling, what influences our spending food and water.


In PE we are focusing on a combination of techniques that allow for the students to build endurance as athletes. Building strength and flexibility first comes with the ability to perservere in times of hardship. One must first cultivate discipline of mind. 
