Class Teacher - Mrs Tadala Tenthani Msola 

Teaching Assistant - Miss Catherine

2024/25 Term 2
Sapitwa Newsletter term 2
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Our class text will be- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

In writing we will develop playscript writing skills, including production notes to guide performance. we will also map out writing to plan structure- paragraphs, sections and chapters. 


In maths, we will cover statistics and probability. In statistics we will go through methods of recording and presenting numerical data. Students will uncover the use of tables and various types of graphs. In probability, students will find out how to judge the chances of certain outcomes among several possibilities. 


This term our theme in science is Light. We will explore and investigate how light travels and how this enables us to see objects. students will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate refraction, carrying out some fascinating experiments into the effects of bending light.  


We will look at data handling; we will have lots of practical activities around the use of spreadsheets, number operations, solving problems on spreadsheet. Lastly, we will look at planning a budget.


Our topic this the term is Africa. We’ll be finding out about inspirational people-African leaders. We will also look at districts and cities of Malawi, its geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics. We will also look at key topographical features in Malawi including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers.

Religious Education

We are looking at Christianity: its main beliefs, its holy book and how it is used. We will also look at special Christian festivals. Lastly, we will discuss the differences and similarities between Christianity and other ways of worshiping.


We will look at pencil drawing. We will explore the different techniques used in pencil drawing. We will do various pencil drawing activities that will develop valuable art and design skills. 

Swimming And Sports

 In PE we shall learn netball and tag rugby skills followed by batting and fielding skills leading to cricket. We shall continue swimming until easter.