Teacher: Mrs. Susan Matiki

Teaching Assistant: Mr Patrick Jenga

Curriculum Newsletter

2024/25 Second term
Chagwa class News Letter T2 2025.pdf
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In English lessons we're reading the book "Around The World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne. We will work on Character analysis, Setting descriptions, we will look at characteristics of fiction stories and build our way up to writing our own short adventure story

After half term we will work on Report writing, We will analyse text and use important information from the text to create a report.

We will continue to develop our writing using various parts of speech, improve our compositions with varied use for grammar and punctuation.


The focus in Maths is place value and number work. We are learning about the value of each digit in numbers up to 1000, how to manipulate them and then to put them in order and onto numberlines. We will continue to build addition and subtraction skills and add to our knowledge of multiplication and division.

There is a weekly times-tables test. The class are given 7 minutes to answer 20 times and divide questions on one table at a time. We start at 2x, moving to 10x then 5x. Once one test has been successfully completed (20/20), we move to the next. The children are always trying to beat their last target! The order is 2x, 10x, 5x, 4x, 8x, 3x, 6x, 9x, 7x, 11x and 12x. After Christmas the time limit drops to just 5 minutes!

We love doing Maths Investigations! There's never one correct answer and we have to work hard to find different ways of solving them!


In Science, the first half of the term, we will focus on Light, looking at sources of light, shadows, patterns in shadows and how different materials respond to light.  In the second half of the term, we will look at Plants; functions of different [arts, requirements for life and growth, flower parts, pollination, seed formation and dispersal.

Topic (History/Geography)

This term we will look at Around the World in 80 Days. we will explore types of settlements and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources. In the second half of the term we will look at Frozen Kingdoms and Climate change

We're using maps of the local area and atlases of the world to locate rivers and to discuss the features.

Art, and Design Technology

In DT,we are using Resistant materials to create buildings.


Coach Dan is focussing on football. We will continue to build swimming skills and confidence in the water.

Please note: swimming is now on Wednesday mornings with PE on Mondays.


Computing skills this term will include word processing and building typing skills. We will look at adding elements such as images to our work.

Before we get onto real keyboards, we're practicing in the classroom. This helps us to locate the "Home Keys" and to use both hands and a whole range of fingers to hit the keys. We'll be brilliant typists in no time!

Music and Dance/Drama

Mrs K will begin to teaching the classes songs and will be working towards a production

Languages: Chichewa and French

Auntie Chifundo is continuing weekly Chichewa lessons. She's focussing on the book Operation Kalulu by Steve Chimombo. The children will learn this story by a local artist and focus on names and descriptions of animals.

Mr Mkumba is teaching French each week. So far the class have learnt greetings and are starting to know colours. The lessons are full of songs and role plays!