Class Teacher - Mrs Chisale

Teaching Assistants - Davie and Olive with Louis

Newsletter for Pre-Nursery
3rd Term 2024
Pre-Nursery T3 Newsletter 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 92.5 KB

Welcome to Pre-Nursery Class

Term 2 has been packed with lots of exciting activities. The children are engaging so well in their activities and having theĀ  fun. Our topic is Africa, and the children are learning beautiful songs which their parents enjoyed in their youth. My team is looking forward to having an exciting term full of playing and having fun.

Fun Activities

The children are already engaging in their activities and are playing so well with their friends. Their language development is tremendous.

2024 Sports Day

A Fun-Filled Day!

Our little stars in the Nursery and Pre-Nursery classes had an amazing time at their Sports Day event!

The children had an absolute blast participating in various sporting activities, laughing, and playing together.

We encourage children to do their activities independently.

If you have any queries, or would like to visit pre-nursery, please speak to Mrs Chisale or a member of her team.

This term, we will look at Water: where water comes from and what it's used for. Most of the activities will be done using water, for example bubble games and washing toys.

Outdoor Activities