Welcome back to Songani Class! We hope you had an enjoyable break. We  are ready for a term of exciting learning and cannot wait to take you along with us! I would like to take this opportunity to give you some information about what we have in store for you.


Class Teacher - Miss Matumula

Teaching Assistant - Caroline and Praise

Curriculum Newsletter for Songani
Term 3
Songani Curriculum Term 3.docx
Microsoft Word Document 189.5 KB



This term our topic is ‘Celebrations’.

We are learning about Celebrations and festivals from around the world. We live in a rich, diverse planet with an abundance of cultures, traditions and history.

There will be opportunity to explore this through role play, turning our classroom into a colourful fiesta. 

If the children show interest in other topics, we will also include these in our learning as we have an emphasis on child initiated learning in Reception.


Did you know there were so many different ways to learn Math? We are exploring a wide range of Math topics this term in many different ways! Take a look.


We enjoyed learning about sounds in our environment. We revised many different sounds and gone on a sound hunt to find missing sounds from our classroom! We will soon put sounds together and read some words!

Physical Education


Trip to Mulunguzi Dam - Term 1

We are learning all about water and the primary purpose of the educational trip was to enhance classroom learning. It provided an opportunity for students to see, touch, and experience what they have learned in the classroom. They had the opportunity to visit the water tower, walk around the facilities, see animals in their natural habitat and use all their senses to learn more about the real world. We also discussed the Mulunguzi Dam, how it provides water to our homes and the important role the Waterboard company serves in the entire process.