Class Teacher - Miss Tiwonge Katemecha 

Teaching Assistant - Uncle Ben

TERM 3 2024
Curriculum Newsletter - Dedza T3.docx
Microsoft Word Document 23.0 KB


Our English units of work for this term will be based around an adventure book called Treasure Island for the first half of this term and the other half, we will look at Viking Stories and myths. We are going to think about the quality of language expression as we look at Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives and Conjunctions and learn how to write extended paragraphs. We will also revise and build our learning from year 3 on how to write a character description (in fully fleshed paragraphs).


We will continue following White Rose Curriculum in Maths and this term’s foci are Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Area and Multiplication and Division A. There will be lots of practical activities as well as new ways to calculate on paper.


Science & Topic 


 In Science we are going to be looking at Forces and Magnets. We will compare movement on different surfaces and find out all about magnets and magnetic poles!


The topic for the first half term is Water and Rivers. We’ll be looking at the importances of rivers, how water comes into our homes and how we can reduce water waste. We will also learn the key features of a river. After Half Term, we will switch to a study of The Vikings and what life used to be like for them! 

PE & Swimming

Coach Dan will focus on developing our football skills as well as building our confidence in swimming. 


Art, Music and Drama

In Art, we will study the work of David Hockney and imitate his drawings. As for Music, Mrs K has a whole playlist of water-themed songs for us to sing.

Design Technology

DT work is based on the theme of non-resistant materials where we will build on sewing skills and other activities from our water and the Viking theme.


Chichewa lessons continue with the children learning conversational skills including answering questions. We'll use drama and role-play in each lesson, as well as speaking and listening, singing and writing.